Back in that Filter window, you can switch over to the “More Choices” tab to see a bunch of additional conditions you can pick. This is just a simple example-you can add lots of conditions, even very complex ones. You can see below that messages meeting our conditions are now bold and purple.

Click on ‘New’ button form the right-side of the popup. Hi Kat, Click to open the mail folder whose folder view you want to apply to others, click View > Change View > Apply Current View to Other Mail Folders.

Then, from the top menu, click on ‘Move’ and then choose the option ‘Always move messages in this conversation’. Set yours up however you want, click the “OK” button, click “OK” again to close the Conditional Formatting window, and then one more time to close the Advanced View Settings window. Open an email from the sender for which you want to get the emails in a specific folder. We’re going to make messages that match the filter we set up be displayed in purple and bold.